Black Belt Essay
Written by: Ethan Torres, 9 year old SMA Black Belt
Going to SMA and earning different levels of belts has given me a chance to earn my first degree black belt. A black belt is a symbol that represents focus, integrity, respect, and helps with our confidence. It provides guidance and wisdom to know what is right in all areas of my life.
Training in Martial Arts has helped me be patient and positive each and every day. It has helped me to help others in their life by staying positive.
My future goals in Martial Arts are to continue to train and achieve more levels in degree of black belt. I want to improve and gain great leadership so I may represent a good example to others. I want to achieve any my challenges that come my way and change them to accomplishments in a good way as I grow up.
The Martial Arts has helped me develop to be strong both physically and mentally by using meditation. Before and after my practice, meditation has helped me to develop patience and relaxation. I am learning to develop courage, wisdom, strength and most of all a positive attitude each day.
An area that I have improved most in is that I have been respectful and caring to my friends and family. Obeying my parents by using good manners, doing my choirs and homework without being asked to. I am learning to share and be patient with my little sister. I have developed better confidence in defending what I believe in and expressing it a good way.
A black belt will give me the opportunity to develop great self-confidence, perseverance and integrity and it has helped me to help others in their life. It can create great friendship that will remain strong and positive.